. Mathematics Tutoring – When the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up | The Reading Clinic
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Mathematics Tutoring – When the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

math tutor helpIt is one of the few black and white things in life; a problem that always has a solution. It is mathematics and for many students can be one of the most challenging subjects they face in their academic careers. Math can be frustrating for parents as well as problems become more complicated and the rules of their youth have faded away from their daily use. While many of the complex mathematical equations from school have very specific applications in the outside world, in school it is crucial to academic success. When a child shows signs of struggling what is a parent to do?

The Reading Clinic offers much more than reading comprehension and writing support for your child. Mathematics tutoring is part of the individualized curriculum developed to support the numerous students who visit The Reading Clinic every day. With a multi-sensory approach to mathematics, The Reading Clinic provides support in a variety of math related tasks.

Starting at an early age, The Reading Clinic starts with helping children with their number and quantity senses as well as counting. With a focus on developing more efficient counting strategies, pattern recognition, and visualization of numbers in the world, The Reading Clinic can start at the foundation of mathematics. Without these crucial building blocks the rest of mathematics will become increasingly difficult.

Once a child has a strong foundation in numbers and counting they naturally move on to basic fact strategies. This is the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division that we are all familiar with. This is another area where children begin to struggle. Putting numbers into use other than just counting presents challenges for some children and the professionals at The Reading Clinic have many tried and true techniques to get your child over this important hurdle.

Each step of the mathematic tutoring progression includes more challenging use of numbers. Decimals, fractions, percentages can all further complicate matters. As with the early programs developed at The Reading Clinic, there are strategies to fit every child. The challenges that prevent one child from grasping these concepts are not necessarily universal to all children. That is why it is so important that The Reading Clinic develops individualized plans for each child that comes in for support. With multiple approaches at each step of the way, The Reading Clinic will be able to find an approach that works for your child.

The first step in getting your child back on track is to schedule an evaluation to determine the areas of proficiency and the areas that need to be addressed. The Reading Clinic has a variety of services available to meet the needs of every family. Contact The Reading Clinic for your child’s evaluation today. Get them back on the road to academic success.

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