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Palo Alto Tutor | Multisensory Learning Center | The Reading Clinic

Palo Alto Tutor – The Reading Clinic – Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Expression & Math Tutoring in Palo Alto

444 First Street Suite I,
Los Altos, CA 94022

(650) 941-1676


  • Monday- Friday: 9am – 7pm
  • Saturday 9am – 5pm
  • Sunday 9am – 5pm

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Through the design and application of customized programs, The Reading Clinic addresses foundational challenges in Reading, Writing, and Math. Our dialog based format delivered results since 1997.

Serving Cupertino, Los Altos, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Sunnyvale

Since 1997, The Reading Clinic has offered one-to-one tutoring in reading, spelling, writing, language comprehension and math. Using research-based, multi-sensory programs, The Reading Clinic focuses on enhanced academic performance and self-esteem. We provide students with a safe and accepting environment, engaging them in an ongoing process of discovery. In the dialogue-based format, students are better able to follow directions, stay on task, take more risks, complete assignments, and feel good about themselves.

The Reading Clinic identifies a students basic needs and creates a tailored solution. The results are measurable, significant and most importantly, last a lifetime.

How do I know which program is effective for my child?

Here at The Reading Clinic we do a comprehensive assessment to find out what is going to work best for your child. Based on this assessment and interviews with you regarding your child’s academic needs we can determine the best possible support program to get your child on track for learning success.

The hard part can come at that early stage when you are trying to determine whether your child needs the extra support offered by The Reading Clinic. What are the areas that are warning signs of learning challenges? If you are unsure whether your child needs extra support in their academic growth consider the following. These common milestones can be the indicators you need to decide how best to support your child’s learning.

  • Is your child able to pronounce words clearly and vocalize his or her thoughts? Can he or she rhyme words? Does your child have difficulty sounding out words? Can your child vocalize vowel sounds correctly? Does he or she run their consonant sounds together? Can your child read words correctly and at a reasonable pace? Can your child spell words based on how they sound (i.e., cough/cof)?

These early language skills are the building blocks to communication and reading. If your child is missing any of these skills or is struggling with them if can present roadblocks to later learning.

  • Does your child remember new words once they have sounded them out? Does he or she struggle with words with more than one syllable such as skipping over the middle of the word or mashing the sounds together? Does your child quickly read words ? Does your child have a strong sense of sight words? Do they remember and spell them correctly?

The ability to recognize, read, and spell early muscle words is the next natural progression in language based learning. As academic work becomes more reading and retention based, making sure your child has ample opportunity to excel in these areas are essential to academic success.

  • Do you feel your child learned to read at the same pace as his or her peers? How difficult was it? Does your child reading flow and show expression? Can he or she retell story details from a story read to him or her? Can he or she retell details from a story they read independently? Are the retold details in order that things occurred in the story? Is your child able to read slowly enough to understand the material they are reading? Do you feel your child’s vocabulary and use of words to describe details is constantly growing? Is your child able to convey thoughts and feelings to other people in an effective manner? Do you think your child understands history and science material well?

At this important stage your child should not only being making steady progress in their academic pursuits but should be putting those language skills to use. Children begin to gather more information from written works and their vocabulary and use of new words should be increasing quickly. Expectations for children to seek out information more independently grow here and they will be expected to communicate that information more effectively.

  • Does your child hesitate to being assignments that involved a lot of writing? Can he or she construct a properly formatted paragraph? What about an essay? Does your child know what a a topic (or main idea) sentence is? Can your child put his or her ideas in an order that follows how the events transpired (sequential order)? Can your child remain on topic and use facts pertinent to the subject matter? Does your child use adjectives and adverbs to paint a picture for the reader? Is your child able to complete writing projects once they are started? Can he or she do these assignments on their own?

Written language skills are one more tool to add to their academic toolkit in addition to verbal communication and reading. As your child progresses through their up through their school grade the expectation to be an effective communicator through written language increases. Success in this area becomes more and more important as they advance to higher academic levels. Establishing these skills early is important to later grade success.

  • Did your child have any trouble learning how to count? Did he or she pick up on telling time on a non-digital clock? Does your child understand the concepts of money? Can your child see how numbers relate to the world around them? Does your child understand and recall simple math equations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? Can he or she comprehend place value? Does your child struggle with carrying and borrowing in problems involving large numbers? Does your child have difficulty with multiplication and division tasks involving multiple solving steps? Can your child understand word problems and how to solve them? How about Algebraic equations?

A strong foundation in mathematics is as important as a strong foundation in Reading comprehension and communication skills. Math is skill that is used every day and having even the smallest set back in one or more areas can make for future academic difficulties.

  • Does your child have a hard time following multi-step instructions? Does your child monitor homework assignments on their own with little support? Does your child frequently run out of time when it comes to completing school projects such as essays and book reports? Does your child treat his or her work with respect by keeping it organized and neat?

Having the skills to succeed is all for nothing if a child cannot manage the tasks in front of him or her. Showing care and respect for one’s work while keeping in mind due dates and deadlines will help your child build a strong working ethic in regards to their academic growth.

If you feel as though any of the questions listed above pertain to your child, give The Reading Clinic a all. We can help you and your child get back on the road to success in school and in life!

Los Altos Clinic